…..{insert ginourmous sigh of frustration here}…..
{The Bad News}
As you can see, I am still not done with my blog makeover. Believe me, no one is more frustrated than I at this point. Unfortunately there was a major setback when we realized that apparently the HTML coding for Mac internet browsers vs. PC internet browsers were drastically different. I have never wanted Mac and PC to get along more than I do right now. As if it couldn’t have happened at a better time than 5 minutes before we were about to make the new template live last weekend. As a result, I have spent the past week wanting very little to do with such a frustrating situation, and have taken an HTML vacation to recharge my emotions after they were so dramatically deflated.
{The Good News!}
This means that I am moving my blog! I am getting my own website soon and will be publishing the blog there rather than at my troublesome blogspot. Supposedly this won’t take as long since we have the design we’ve just gotta get it up and running somewhere else…of course the fact that I have been putting it off does not help speed anything up.
I’ll be honest too and admit that this probably couldn’t have come at a better point in my personal life as well. The blogging break has given me the ability to handle other major things in my life, which most of you are aware of already. It has certainly made a world of difference, even just in this last week, to not have the added task of blogging as tiny as that task may be.
I know it is silly to post consistently for a couple of months and then stop for a while and still consider myself a legit blogger, but somehow I still do. Even though I am just getting started, I feel like Tulle and Taffeta has already glued itself to being a part of my routine and lifestyle (as up in the air as my schedule tends to be). Its comforting to have a place where I can organize my creative ideas; somewhere constant to go back to. At the same time, I love the challenge of something new that is pulling me out of my comfort zone and forcing me to enter into this seemingly endless cyberspace. There’s also a pretty noticeable difference with my creative side wanting somewhere to express itself. The artist in me wants so desperately to pursue anything and everything creative and beautiful which has resulted in quite a few shopping sprees in search of new fashion. At least my blog doesn’t hurt my wallet so much.
All of that is to say that I will definitely be back and better than ever, and hopefully it will be worth the wait. Until then…
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