Friday, March 19, 2010

Blog Makeover Update {Slow and Steady}

I feel so torn right now.  The design for the new blog template is in place and I am stoked about it.  Imagining my new posts going up right now on this old blog design just doesn’t feel right after seeing what it will be.  On the other hand the creative side of my brain feels like is it backlogged with so many ideas that need an outlet through posting.

I am too much of a perfectionist to post my new ideas on this “so-yesterday” blog design, so I think that I will continue to focus on my war against HTML, rounded corners, and the dreaded third column.  So far it’s about Brittany: 3 and HTML: 24, but I am slowly bending it to my will and am determined to conquer the coding with elegance and flare.

I’m crossing my fingers in hopes to be back in action in a week (or two), but there is still so much to be done!

Until next time!

Monday, March 8, 2010


Hello Friends!   I am very excited to announce that I am in the process of remodeling my blog.  When I am done it is going to blow your mind!  Until then though, my posting will probably be few and far between because all of my blogging time is now going towards:

  • Graphics for the new layout
  • Research for how to create the new layout I want
  • Phone calls with my very supportive father/computer guru helping with the dreaded HTML
  • Bettering my blogging skills overall

I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that it is taking so much time, but once I get going on a major project like this, trying to stop me is like trying to stop a semi truck with your bare hands; impossible.  I wish I could tell you when the big debut will be, but alas I have absolutely no idea how much longer this will take.  Being the perfectionist and visionary that I am, I will probably never finish!  If that’s the case, it was fun while it lasted.

{Sneak preview of a graphic for my new blog}


Friday, March 5, 2010

LOVE TALK {The One with Jack and Joy}

Clive Staples Lewis is someone who knew how to love everyone around him.  Some of you may know him as the author of the Chronicles of Narnia, but I know him as a man who truly understood love.  He always put others before himself, and sometimes that included people who took advantage of his kindness, but it didn’t matter.  If you enjoy reading a good biography, I would highly recommend the one written by his stepson, Douglas Gresham.

{His Story}  Unfortunately he and his wife had a short lived relationship due to her passing away from cancer very early in their life together.  Lewis knows the heartache of loss well, but he was able to cling to love to get him through.  I feel like part of marriage is about learning how to love someone, but Lewis and Joy already knew how to do that, and they soaked up every moment they had together.

I read once that Jack (as he liked to be called) cared so much for Joy, that he prayed that he would be able to take the burden of her pain so that she would not have to suffer it herself.  He prayed so hard, and for one night he was struck with such a paralyzing pain he knew was hers.  That same night she was able to have the strength to get out of bed and enjoy an evening with her children for one of the last times.  If only I could be that lucky someday too; to be able to know how to truly and deeply love someone in such an extraordinary way, even if only for a short time.


{Question}  Do any of you have a story they've heard or experienced about a love that looks like this?  I would love to hear them if you don't mind sharing!


Thursday, March 4, 2010

MUSE BOARD {The One with the Rainbow}

For the young at heart who just love color, this may be for you.  I would love to see a wedding as bright as this in person.  The water balloons are a creative idea that I have not seen before.  For a casual outdoor wedding on a warm day, I’m sure a lot of guests would enjoy a nice balloon toss to cool off and have some fun.  The punch bowls and lollipops are fun too.  Incorporating your color scheme into your menu is always a great way to help set the mood.  This mood is definitely a lively and fun one.

{Fuchsia, Aqua, Lemon Yellow, Apple Green, & Orange}

Fushia Spa Sunshine Appletini Peach


Lollipops    Water Balloons    Bridesmaids    Punch Bowls    Bridal Party    Centerpieces


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

STRIKE A POSE {The One with the Coke-a-Cola Shoot}

What an adorable picnic idea!  I love the vintage feel, with the old-fashioned coke backdrop.  I also love that she is pulling off red lipstick!  Its little ideas like these that make me feel like the sky is the limit as far as engagement shoots go.  Have fun, and enjoy being in love while doing it.



Monday, March 1, 2010

MUSE BOARD {The One with a Rustic Spring Palette}

There are so many greens that would go great with gray and yellow, and this board could have turned out many different ways.  I do love that these are normally spring colors but somehow when you add the rustic feel it easily becomes a summer or fall wedding theme.  I love the washed out wood that looks gray, as well as the silver accessories that could be added for some flair.  A rich mossy green would really pop and make it the more dominate color.  Thanks for the color suggestion Courtney!

{Charcoal Gray, Olive Green, Ivory, Taupe, & splashes of Canary Yellow}

CharcoalGray Olive Ivory   OysterCanary


{Credits}   Bridesmaids    Hairpiece    Bridesmaids in Boots    Flowers    Yellow Dress
